MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay
MBS Schwerlastregal

Year of construction
Erfurt Germany
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay MBS Schwerlastregal


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Machine type:
MBS heavy duty shelving, 1 bay
MBS Schwerlastregal
Year of construction:


Auction start:
17.10.2024 at 10:30 o'clock
Auction end:
30.10.2024 at 09:15 o'clock
The auction has ended

Listing location:
Gothaer Str. 22, 99094 Erfurt, Deutschland Germany


Listing ID:


This MBS heavy-duty rack, 1 bay, is being auctioned online in our industrial auction / machinery auction Real Erfurt - sales and heavy-duty racks, packaging machine, industrial trucks, butchery equipment, hairdressing salon equipment.

You can find these and many other items on our platform.

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Restlos Industrieverwertungen & Service GmbH

Contact person: Mr Fabian Altrichter

Puscherstraße 7

90411 Nürnberg, Germany

+49 911 9... show

Registered since: 2015

328 listings online

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Die Restlos Industrieverwertungen & Service GmbH ist in erster Linie als Dienstleister für Insolvenzverwalter, Leassinggesellschaften und Banken tätig, steht aber auch Firmen und Privatpersonen bei der Be- und Verwertung von Anlage- und Umlaufvermögen zur Seite.
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Sitz der Gesellschaft:

Restlos Industrieverwertungen & Service GmbH

Kilianstraße 142

90425 Nürnberg

Vertreten durch:

Fabian Altrichter (Geschäftsführer)


Eingetragen im Handelsregister.

Registergericht: Nürnberg

Registernummer: HR_B 25097

Genehmigung nach § 34b GewO (Versteigerungsgewerbe) und § 34c GewO (Immobilienmakler)

Erlassende Behörde: Stadt Nürnberg



nach §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 263750638

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Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
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Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
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Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Auction ended
Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
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Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
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Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Auction ended
Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays) Schwerlastregal
Auction ended
Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
Heavy-duty shelving, 4 bays (2x 2 bays)
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays Schwerlastregal
Auction ended
Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
Heavy duty shelving, 6 bays
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelf Schwerlastregal
Auction ended
Germany Hohe Börde
7,862 km
Heavy duty shelf
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
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Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay Schwerlastregal
Germany Dreieich
7,840 km
Heavy duty shelving, 1 bay
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
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Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schulte Schwerlastregal
Germany Dreieich
7,840 km
Schulte heavy duty shelving, 3 bays
Schulte Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays Schwerlastregal
Germany Dreieich
7,840 km
Heavy duty shelving, 3 bays