Used Heat exchangers for sale (25)

SGL Carbon RS 77-1-295.40.1 100m² "unused" - Shell and tube heat exchanger
SGL CarbonRS 77-1-295.40.1 100m² "unused"

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
Kleiser GmbH

Plate heat exchanger
Alfa Laval3287079638

+49 201 857 86 122

Huber Unichiller circulation cooler / recirculating cooler UC022

GEA TDS GmbH – VTE 54-2.0 – Tubular heat
GEATDS Ahaus VTE 54-2.0

Heat exchanger
APROVISN-20-500/3000-1H / N-25-500/4000-1H

Barriquand IXASP 1X15/1X14X2000X280 - Plate heat exchanger
BarriquandIXASP 1X15/1X14X2000X280

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Stainless steel plate heat exchanger
Alfa Laval3287166004

Plate heat exchanger
Alfa Laval Tetra pakC10-SM

Barriquand IJS 1x24/1x25x350x2250 - 37,8 m² - Plate heat exchanger
BarriquandIJS 1x24/1x25x350x2250 - 37,8 m²

Shell-and-tube heat exchanger
GEAVaritube M-SK 139/37-3,0

Alfa Laval TL10-BFM - Plate heat exchanger
Alfa LavalTL10-BFM

APV Products 884 - Scraped surface heat exchanger
APV Products884

Schmidt Sigma 65M SAL - Plate heat exchanger
SchmidtSigma 65M SAL

Barriquand DIXS 34+33/2x33x4000x580 welded plate heat exchanger - Plate heat exchanger
BarriquandDIXS 34+33/2x33x4000x580 welded plate heat exchanger

Schröder emulsifier Kombinator VEMK homogeniser"fa

Waukesha Votator II - Scraped surface heat exchanger
WaukeshaVotator II

Chemtech Chemetator 212 W + Crystalliser WH35F "fa

Kühni - Shell and tube heat exchanger
Used Heat exchangers (25)
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+49 201 857 86 122