Used Assembly tables for sale (11)

Assembly table

Assembly table with height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 65-105/12M FLEX 2480x1230

2004 Ruchser RU-4-M

+49 201 857 86 122

Assembly table with height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 65-105/12 S FLEX 1480x980

Assembly table without height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 80/12 M FIX 2480x1230

Assembly table without height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 80/12 XSL FIX 1980x1480

Assembly table with height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 65-105/12L FLEX 2980x1480

Assembly table without height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 80/12 L FIX 2980x1480

Assembly table without height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 80/12 SL FIX 1980x980

Assembly table without height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 80/12 S FIX 1480x980

Assembly table with height adjustment
KK KletzerMontagetisch SMT 65-105/12 XSL FLEX 1980x1480
Used Assembly tables (11)
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